Our support system
Join Us
Join in Aseema’s mission by supporting our work!
For job opportunities, write to us at hr@aseema.org
Aseema is fortunate to have the support of volunteers who give their time freely and lovingly to support our work. They may participate in teaching the children, assist in administration and documentation work, handle exhibitions of our products or share their skills in many other ways. The time they spend with us is eagerly looked forward to by our children and staff. This is also extremely meaningful for the volunteers as well. If you wish to volunteer with Aseema, please send an e-mail to volunteers@aseema.org, highlighting your skills and areas of interest.
Aseema is happy to share its experience with others who are interested in working with underprivileged children. In the past, we have been approached by other NGO’s to conduct assessments of their projects and offer training and guidance for the implementation of child-friendly education programmes. To discuss potential partnerships with Aseema, please email training@aseema.org
our supporters
Friends of Aseema and Ausbildung, Die Stark Macht play an integral role at Aseema. They spread awareness about Aseema in the United States of America and Germany, respectively. Through their independent Boards, they review applications for funding Aseema projects which in turn, benefits our children and their communities. Donations to both the organisations are tax deductible as per the respective tax rules of their countries.